Oct 27, 2011

Halloween Ice Cream Sandwich

Halloween is always a great excuse for a family get together or night out with friends and it's especially fun for children. Halloween is therefore one of my 'ice cream special days' and it's for such days that I am always keen to try and come up with new, ice cream related ideas.

One such idea came to me a while ago ... a spooky Halloween ice cream sandwich! I was discussing this with some friends recently who run a super little coffee shop close to Hadrian's Wall and, as they specialise in baking unusual homemade cakes and cookies including some fabulous chocolate cookies with spider's web icing, I suggested they try making up an ice cream sandwich using these with mint choc chip ice cream sandwiched between them. Guess what? They did it and yesterday I filmed it in their coffee shop. Here it is, freshly made ... complete with plastic, non-edible spiders! Notice the super, orange Halloween decorations behind - nice touch Emma :-)

Read more about ice cream sandwiches

Read more about the tradition of Halloween

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